911 Call Freedom's in Dange
If you live in or around New York City. Or if you ever have, you know how amazing it is for cops and fire fighters, especially their unions to agree on anything. But the Uniformed Firefighters Association and the Patrolmean's Benevolent Association have finaly found common ground. Once again at ground zero.
Tomorrow is the deadline for the decision on the so called Interantional Freedom Center . This is the abherration of a museum that the moonbat NYC Lower Manhattan Cultural Council(LMCC) wants to foist on New York and on the nation, as part of a redesigned World Trade Center. It is unac ceptable to the city, the state and the nation.
As reported here and elsewhere the LMCC is likely to turn the exhibit into a Political statement that bashes the government, the military and America herself. The LMCC display, now at Cooper Union in Manhattan bashes the administration repeatedly. It mocks the military, and American values by insulting and purporting to speak in the name of Pat Tillman the US Army Ranger killed in Afghanistan.
While three of New York's congressional delegation are on board, threatening to withold funds and investigate if necessary, it should not come to that. Conatct NYC's Mayor and New York State's Governor and let them know this memorial should not be tainted by those who would use the word freeedom to mock America's values.
Mayor Bloomberg can be reached at: 212 New York(639-9675) (or 311 for residents)
Governor Pataki at : 518-474-8390
See todays New York Post for more details.
Tomorrow is the deadline for the decision on the so called Interantional Freedom Center . This is the abherration of a museum that the moonbat NYC Lower Manhattan Cultural Council(LMCC) wants to foist on New York and on the nation, as part of a redesigned World Trade Center. It is unac ceptable to the city, the state and the nation.
As reported here and elsewhere the LMCC is likely to turn the exhibit into a Political statement that bashes the government, the military and America herself. The LMCC display, now at Cooper Union in Manhattan bashes the administration repeatedly. It mocks the military, and American values by insulting and purporting to speak in the name of Pat Tillman the US Army Ranger killed in Afghanistan.
While three of New York's congressional delegation are on board, threatening to withold funds and investigate if necessary, it should not come to that. Conatct NYC's Mayor and New York State's Governor and let them know this memorial should not be tainted by those who would use the word freeedom to mock America's values.
Mayor Bloomberg can be reached at: 212 New York(639-9675) (or 311 for residents)
Governor Pataki at : 518-474-8390
See todays New York Post for more details.